Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Love Mal, but AD Moore is wrong on this one...

1st Amendment Right upheld...
    I love Mal Moore. He's done more for Alabama than anyone will every know or fully appreciate. The battle with Daniel Moore was not one of his finest moments.    The feud with Daniel Moore was decided by a Federal Appeals Court in favor of the 1st Amendment. Notice I didn't say Daniel Moore. This is a victory for our ever dwindling fundamental constitutional rights. In this case  it was the First Amendment. That Amendment is the cornerstone of what makes America different. Americans have the right to speak their minds. To be more exact, we have the right to write what we wish, dance exotically, espouse anti-American philosophy, and paint about football games. It's ironic that Daniel Moore who is loved by all Alabama fans for his reproductions of monumental events in Alabama sports, may be better remembered in the future as the Moore who prevailed in case The University of Alabama vs. Daniel Moore .  I think the judges got this one right. 

      Alabama is "our" school and under Mal Moore the revenues have accumulated like snow  on a Wyoming winter's day. There comes a point where too much is simply too much. Let me ask each of you a question - if the University of Alabama owns the rights for the events that occur in 'Bama games, then what do the taxpayers of Alabama own?  I doubt seriously that Moore would have stopped painting 'Bama sporting events in any case. How much would they cost the fans after he paid whatever the University of Alabama demanded.  What is wrong with allowing artists to paint or draw the things they have seen I? In fact, I personally feel the same about photographs. If you are a taxpayer in Alabama you should be able to take photos of games that our tax dollars make possible. After all, we foot the bill. It doesn't seem like a lot to ask to allow us the opportunities for a few snapshots or buy a painting of a memorable game. This wasn't a matter of money to Daniel Moore, however. This is about something much more important. The government shouldn't be able to tell us what to say regardless of how we choose to express our message. I think this is something that all Americans, liberal and conservative, will agree. Sorry Coach,  you can charge us for tickets. You can even charge us to give you money to have a chance to buy tickets. But so far, at least, you can't tell us what we can say. 

     Business is business as they say. Maybe everyone who files a State Tax Return should get a rebate off their taxes on profits that Alabama football makes?  Hey, we own the place.