Sunday, October 14, 2012


      I know that St. Louis has a large television market.  They have the Rams and Cardinals. They are the Gateway to the West. All in all it is a great city. What they don't have is a love for college football.  Columbia, home of the Missouri Tigers, is not exactly in the middle of nowhere, but you can see the edge of the abyss from Campus. Why the SEC thought that Missouri was a good place to take SEC football is beyond me. Watching the Alabama vs. Missouri game was striking proof that the Tigers are not ready to play SEC football. All they need is a real stadium, a real strength program, and a stadium worthy of the SEC. I'm not saying that the Tigers could have all those things one day. But why did the SEC lower its brand by picking a place like Missouri. I think of Missouri and am reminded of Todd Akin. If Tennessee gets some joking about hillbilly country what does Missouri get?  We just bought this older Class C Motor home. It gets around 14 miles a gallon. I'm told that is really pretty good gas mileage.

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