louisiana player is a head-hunter
williams might be a pass rush warrior...
I normally don't write much about recruiting in football. I happened to watch this kid play one game while passing through Louisana to Texas. It wasn't that far out of the way. I met this guy in a burger joint who saw my Crimson Tide hoodie. We started talking and the next thing I know we are driving to watch this young man play. Wow. This Williams kid looks like he was shot from a canon. He could gain a lot of weight and play on the defensive line, he could be a great linebacker, or even a safety.

Wherever he plays he is going to have an impact. I say impact with no pun intended because this recruit can go head hunting with the best of them. You know how it is when a vicious hit is made? The crowd goes - ooohhhh. There were several of those moments when he lowered the boom on a runner. Rating football players has always been somewhat of a mystery to me. It's not like you get to watch them play AAU ball against one another. All I know is this player is just head and shoulders above anyone else on the field. My friend was telling me that as many as four other players on his team would likely play at the next level. He was still was clearly better than anyone. My buddy said that LSU wants the SEC to think they passed on him. They didn't according to him. He did say the LSU fans go beserk when 'Bama steals one from them. I told him that we call those players - just plain smart and future NFL stars.
two predictions I respect...
rodney and cecil...

A lot of predictions on this game have been made by a lot of guessers. We can go over a few of them, but for my money there is only two I really listen two. Rodney Orr and Cecil Hurt. Rodney published the great website Tider Insider and the Tuscaloosa News is lucky enough to pay him write. Okay, these might be the two biggest homers in the history of prognostications, but I've noticed they are fair about giving their expertise on winners and scores. On the big game tonight both have picked scores that are pretty close to each other. I've known each for two or three decades and both are top shelf guys. Cecil Hurt is a well known national writer who has turned down several bigger gigs in larger cities. Rodney came into Tuscaloosa a life time Bama fan with an idea about recruiting information, but more importantly allowing fans to express their opinions. Tider Insider has been growing in leaps and bounds. They are now doing radio and television, both of which are simply called Tider Insider TV and Tider Insider radio. Rodney competes with a lot of national media sites but his family has remained loyal. Bravo to him for understanding just what 'Bama fans want. Another thing he will not do is to rate players. I respect that.

Cecil Hurt has been writing for The Tuscaloosa News from the time that Moses got his tablets. Most Alabama fans consider both to be of equal importance. What I like about Cecil is that he writes columns that are easy to read and have a lot of common sense. He's also cashed in some on his recognition with the Cecil Hurt Show. This is a low key and information loaded telecast you shouldn't miss. His column in the News is full of inside information and gives the fans a little peek of what really goes on in Tide Sports. I think a lot of fans probably think that Cecil is the only person who has ever written for the Tuscaloosa News and Tide football and basketball. In reality, for most living Tide fans this might be true. I love to hear his magnolia dipped accent on the radio. When Cecil writes or talks I listen.
Alabama has some other print and media guys I like and respect. Kevin Scarbinsky and Paul Finebaum come to mind. Both are nice guys. Paul has national exposure for his expertise in the SEC. Kevin and Paul are both brave enough to express their opinions in a state where everyone has a gun or two, and a six-pack is a standard equipment in their trucks. I thought Kevin's article about the lore of Notre Dame might be true, but his tone in the article was condescending . Paul is just Paul. He stirs the pot, BUT he gets it right in most cases. Paul is in a growth industry and Kevin is employed by an animal likely to go extinct in the next few years. So if Kevin rubs a nerve, as he frequently does, keep that in mind. He is literally writing for his paycheck. Plus, Kevin has ditched that funky French hat and that's a good thing.
Some predictions from national writers:
- Davis Dodge - Alabama 16-13
- Bruce Feldman - Notre Dame 17-16
- Lou Holtz - Notre Dame
- Las Vegas - Tide by10
- Jerry Palm - Alabama 20-17
- Chip Patterson - Notre Dame 21-20
- Game Day Crew - 4-1 Alabama
national media loves the Irish...
alabama prepares for number 15

The only thing left that the media can do is to get the Pope to bless the Irish. Why not? It seems that everyone else in the known world has decided that the Notre Dame Fighting Irish are going to win the National Title. The wordsmith guys have said all they can about how great this Irish team has become. It seems that fate and destiny are starting in the Irish backfield. There are two things that are abundantly clear when you watch the talking heads - the first is that they have made this game all about Notre Dame. The second is they have made it well known they hope Notre Dame beats Alabama. The Crimson Tide is almost an afterthought if you watch and read the national media. Look, I get it. Notre Dame is a storied football program. There is a less than transparent effort on the part many to slant things in a Dublin direction. As an Alabama fan all I can say is "bring it on". We may not be the Las Vegas underdog, but except for part of the State of Alabama there is a universal hope the Tide loses.

If you love football you have to respect Notre Dame. The last time the Indiana school won a national championship was 1988. That means in the collective memories of any college football player the name Notre Dame is ancient history. Notre Dame hopes it can revive their legacy into something recognized by the average teenager. Personally, I've always like the Irish. They are just like us in many regards and I respect that. For all the puffing and bragging by each side, there remains one truth. That would be that no one knows who will win this game and in all fairness who should be favored. Odds don't mean a lot in a one game season. Coaching, players, and preparation are what matters. Many of the Alabama players are running on the field with 2 BCS championships under their belts. Their coach is the master of causing disaster to opposing teams. When you give Nick Saban a month to prepare for a game is almost unfair. Remember this however - there was only one undefeated team left standing when the regular season was over and it wasn't the Tide. Regardless of how close some of the Irish games were against less than sterling opponents they won each one. You cannot discount that. The game on Monday night is not going to be a walk in the park for Alabama or Notre Dame. Whoever walks off that field is going to be happy or sad with nothing in between.

Don't discount the Notre Dame coaching. Brian Kelly has proved just how good a coach he is, and whether Notre Dame wins or loses he is going to be an almost consensus coach of the year. That doesn't mean he's a better coach than Nick Saban. In fact, he only has to be a better coach one time. Literally anything can happen in a one game season. If you listen to the national pundits it is almost like its the good guys versus the bad guys. Good - that is exactly what Alabama needs in this game. You can put ALL THE SPOTLIGHT on the Irish for all I care. We don't need any distractions to cause us problems. I have to admit to my admiration of Monti Te'o. His story is heartwarming. It is a great storyline for the game and for any person's life. Number 5 is one heck of a football player and person. C.J. Mosley is also one heck of a player and person. His decision to return next season brightened the hearts of Tide fans. There are so many compelling stories surrounding all the players of this game you could write a book. The only difference is that Notre Dame players are getting the attention and Alabama isn't. I think I understand more what my grandfather told me about Alabama going to play in that first Rose Bowl. We were country bumpkins, swamp rats, rejects, and inferior to the rest of the nation. We didn't belong. Flash forward to the present and it is almost like Alabama is just in the way of another great Irish story. Most of the nation hopes the Tide plays the part of the sacrificial lamb being led to slaughter.

All of the stories are well and good, but I suspect that when Nick Saban's Alabama Crimson Tide team takes the field blocking and tackling are going to be more important. I think Alabama has the edge in experience in big games. They probably have the majority of good players on the field. Notre Dame is close though. It would be easy to speculate that a redshirt freshman isn't going to win a big game against Alabama's defense. Johnny Football proved that wrong. Is Gholson as good as Manziel? I don't think anyone is as good as Manziel was this season. That's not the question in my mind. The question is whether Gholson can be good enough on one night for four quarters to beat Alabama. I think he has that ability. I know that Alabama has played one team this season that has almost as much national recognition as Notre Dame. Michigan got humiliated with a senior quarterback.
When you get down to the bottom line it isn't which team has the best history, or who is the most loved, or who we hope to win. It is a simple matter of which team plays well enough to win one game. In a one game season I'd always pick Alabama and Nick Saban. We may not have the blessing of the Pope but we have the best coach in college football. I believe football is a more secular than heavenly. Bama by 11.
irish have been snorting the pixie dust...
alabama is going to destroy notre dame
I've been watching a lot of Notre Dame replays lately. I'm thinking that Midwestern sportswriters have been doing way to many lines of leprechaun pixie dust. Apparently, one of the job requirements to be a sports writer up there is to have no objectivity. The other must be visual impairment is a must. I
have never seen more ridiculous observations. Here are some my favorites about upcoming National Championship Game. Some defy logical explanation. Some are just an example of Phillip Marshall reporting when was supposedly an unbiased reporter for the Huntsville Times.
- The Irish have played the toughest schedule in America. Whoever wrote that was dropped on their head at birth. In looking at the "rigorous" Irish schedule a few things stick out. Although Navy has been a pretty good footbal team of late, this year's edition was not a good team. Purdue is never a good team, and at 6-6 show how ludicrious it is for writers to say the Irish have played six bowl team. The Irish beat Michigan 13-6 and was on the recieving end of 6 turnovers to help them. We played the Wolverines a couple of weeks earlier. What was that score? The big win over Miami turned out to be a dude. The 'Canes had 5 loses. Stanford is a very good football team. How that Stanford touchdown was no upheld is simply beyond belief. BYU still plays football? I wasn't aware. 17-14 over a 8-5 team that might be called average. Michgan State was was 7-6. Pitt missed a last second field goal to lose in South Bend. The Irish won that one in OT. Same for the Stanford game. Credit where credit is due when the Irish beat Oklahoma in Norman. The score was 30-13. It seems like a rout when you see the score, but in reality it was a much closer gaem. The score was 13-13 with 5:00 minutes left. But the Irish won. This is there best win. The Irish traveled to Boston to take on national power BC and won 21-6. The beanboys finished the year at a strong 2-10. Wake Forest was next and the Irish handled them with ease. They should have. The Demon Decs had a 5-7 record when all was said and done. And then there was the Southern Cal game. Mighty Southern Cal. They had lost their starting quarterback, started a true freshman. It showed. The Irish won 22-13. Southern Cal was inside the 10 twice in the last five minutes and failed to score. But the Irish won. The Trojans ended up being the first #1 team in AP poll history to have 6 losses the next season.
- Notre Dame has played teams with much better offenses than Alabama - what? Did the Irish scrimmage Indianapolis Colts and we didn't know about it. I honestly don't know what to say about that comical statement. I don't think BC, WF, Navy, BYU, Purdue, or Michigan State could have won a game in the SEC except for Auburn or Kentucky.
- Notre Dame is has the greatest defense in College Football - they might well be. Who would we know? When you play Snow White and the Seven Dwarf it is difficult to make an objective opinion. I do think they Irish have a good defense, but they haven't seen an offensive line like the Tide. In all fairness, it is hard to go undeated and not have a good offense or defense. But the greatest. Show me first and I'll become a believer.
- Evertte Gholson is a scrambling quarterback and Bama can't beat quarterbacks who have that type game. But being highly mobile it might mean several things. Such a quarterback might mean he can't make the reads, he holds the ball too long, and the offfensive line can't pass block. If I had to bet it would be that Gholson might have a long hard January 7, 2013.
- God favors the Irish. That reminds me of the old joke about the Irish boxer who always crossed himself while getting off his corner stool. A spectator asked a priest if that really helps? The priest replied, "sure, if you have a good jab".
- The SEC and Alabama in particular is overrated. This history of the BCS sure backs up that statement, right? How funny is that?
In trying to be objective I would say the SEC is not as good top to bottom as usual. Mississippi State had some end of the year problems. South Carolina had some key injuries but are still a darn good team. What can you say about AU. Arkansas had some unique problems that carried over to the season. Missouri isn't ready for SEC Football. Kentucky is just Kentucky. Tennessee was bad.
On the other hand,Vandy picked up the pace, and Texas AM surprised everyone, including Alabama. Florida snapped back to big time football.Georgia showed you could teach new tricks to an old dog. Ole Miss was vastly improved by seasons end. LSU was really good but their quarterbacking was suspect.
Then you have to consider the Coaching in the SEC. Is there a better coach in the nation thant Nick Saban? I seriously doubt. Les Miles is a great coach regardless of some rather odd mannerism. HF has Ole Miss on the road. The Coach, Steve Spurrier is pretty good isn't he. Let me ask this another way - how many bad coaches were there in the SEC. Heck, one snared a national championship and wasn't deemed worthy.
Note: prior to posting this blog both LSU and Mississippi State lost their bowl game.
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