Friday, January 18, 2013

Tim Williams is a head hunter

louisiana player is a head-hunter
williams might be a pass rush warrior...

        I normally don't write much about recruiting in football. I happened to watch this kid play one game while passing through Louisana to Texas. It wasn't that far out of the way. I met this guy in a burger joint who saw my Crimson Tide hoodie. We started talking and the next thing I know we are driving to watch this young man play. Wow. This Williams kid looks like he was shot from a canon.  He could gain a lot of weight and play on the defensive line, he could be a great linebacker, or even a safety.

         Wherever he plays he is going to have an impact. I say impact with no pun intended because this recruit can go head hunting with the best of them.  You know how it is when a vicious hit is made? The crowd goes - ooohhhh. There were several of those moments when he lowered the boom on a runner. Rating football players has always been somewhat of a mystery to me. It's not like you get to watch them play AAU ball against one another. All I know is this player is just head and shoulders above anyone else on the field. My friend was telling me that as many as four other players on his team would likely play at the next level. He was still was clearly better than anyone.  My buddy said that LSU wants the SEC to think they passed on him. They didn't according to him. He did say the LSU fans go beserk when 'Bama steals one from them.  I told him that we call those players - just plain smart and future NFL stars.



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